Graphic Design for Print
With over 17 years of professional design experience, Jason Gallagher knows how add the spice to your marketing and offset printing needs. Casual, business or elegant styles. Brochures to books and catalogs. Take me to Graphic Design
Website Design
Do you need a website with style, want to keep them coming back? Usability and search engines are key? Look no further for your design, community building, e-commerce and web marketing needs.
Take me to Web Design
Lessons and Training
Whether you are in need of brushing up on your skills, need help with a project, or are interested in comprehensive ongoing classes I am available to share my wealth of knowledge. The topics available include technique and general help with graphic design for print, web design, Photoshop and Lightroom for photographers, color management and more.
Serving the San Fransisco, Marin, Sonoma, and close-in East Bay areas. Take me to Training
Resources and Community
It's my hope to dedicate this site to serve not only my customers, but to anyone interested in graphic design, web development and photography. Besides the standard portfolio/info about my services, there are many reasons to visit.
Out of the Fog, into the Blog should prove to be an interesting read. It will provide many useful tips, tutorials, news and advice, and even the occasional musing. I also hope to share and reflect a more alternative philosophy, one that reaches for a healthier vision where we all work to support each other more. Right now the world is balanced in such a way that we have to compete against one another. Some competition is healthy of course, but in our time we have seen it go to unhealthy extremes. So I plan to try and rip a few holes into the status quo here and there, and hope to have a little fun doing it! Please tell me how I'm doing and don't be afraid to add to the conversation by posting your own ideas and comments. Take me to the blog
Then there's the forum. As a teacher, I'm always getting a lot of questions about the subjects I teach or about my services in general. The idea for the forum started out as a way to have a record for these conversations so others could benefit. (hey it saves everyone some time). But to try and make this into something more valuable, I am expanding on this concept and invite everyone to participate in both the asking and answering when you feel like you can help. There are also categories for discussing various interesting stuff. The forum may start out a bit slow (they usually do), but give it some time and it will get going! Take me to the Forum
Resource Directory
This is a directory of handpicked links I've collected over the years. It's got everything from good reads on design, to low cost/free stock photo sites, to tutorials. I think you'll find it quite useful if whether you're looking for design inspiration, hip design sites, etc. If you feel like you know of a quality site to add, feel free to suggest it there. If you ARE one of those quality sites, you may participate in our link exchange. All site suggestions must pass muster with the resident dictator at (wonder who that might be...) before they get approved. Take me to the Resource Directory
Registering is where the fun begins. In order to post on the forums, you'll need to register (but anyone can post comments in the blog). All users who register are given a profile. Only other registered users can see your profile, but none of your personal information will be visible. Each person's profile has their general statistics including forum postings and blog comments. If you like, you can post a picture (or use an avatar from our gallery), list more information about yourself, etc. Like Facebook or Myspace, you can make friends with other users and your friends will be listed in your profile. As a registered user, you will be able to send private messages to other registered users. So in other words, we have a lot of tools for getting to know each other to form collaborations and comradships. Register now!