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Category: Blog/Learning
... Illustrator is a program that is especially good for working in the vector format. Page layout software includes Adobe Indesign and QuarkXpress. Page layout software allows you to combine files from ...Category: Services/Information
Indesign CS or Creative Cloud Indesign is Adobe's professional page layout software. If you have something that's more than a few pages long, such as a newsletter, catalog, magazine, newspaper or book ...Category: Services/Information
... and color management Preparing for professional offset printing, or high quality inkjet printing Transfering files and working with Photoshop, Indesign, Flash or Dreamweaver. Keyboard shortcuts Adobe ...Category: Blog/Various Sundries
It's now been about a week and a half since the site has launched. As I expected things are starting a bit slow, but in the past few days some new people have registered. A lot of people are visiting and ...Category: Services/Information
Graphic Design for Print With over 17 years of professional design experience, Jason Gallagher knows how add the spice to your marketing and offset printing needs. Casual, business or elegant styles. ...Category: Services/Information
... cards, logos, posters, cds, advertisements, postcards, rack cards, press kits and more. I also have thorough experience in both Indesign and QuarkXpress designing and managing the production of long ...Category: Training/Training
... Illustrator Indesign Dreamweaver Fireworks Lightroom Front End Web Development and Design Drupal Bootstrap, sass, less, git, grunt and more Introduction to PHP/Mysql and/or Jquery ...Category: Portfolio/Graphic Design Portfolio
Type Project Catalog 41 page catalog of items for silent auction and benefit for PK. Produced with Adobe Indesign. Client Samples Alison Piziali 1. Front Cover 2. Title pages 3. ...Category: Section
... of topics including the Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Joomla, Wordpress and a lot more. We also offer a community for discussion of all ...